
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life at it's finest. (:

Every Wednesday for the last two and a half years, I go babysit six really awesome little kids. They range in age from one and a half to eight... its absolutely crazy!! My good friend Allyson used to babysit with me until this year. Now she works at the Villa Maria and some nights (like diaper change nights) I miss her dearly. Some nights (when they are all worn out and hooked on American Idol) its all alright. It's three sets of boy-girl siblings: Jack, 6 and Haley, 8; Elaina, 4 (almost 5) and Brett, 3; and Dominic, 4, and Anica 1 1/2. Anica just started coming downstairs with me a few weeks ago, and she and Dominic have a little sister upstairs asleep, Elouise, and I used to have another set of siblings, Tristian and Addison. Yeah, I had a handful. But I love these six and think of them as my own and will miss them dearly when I leave next year.

Jack, Elaina, Dominic, and Anica

My best helper, Haley. (:
Some random tidbits about today (and yesterday I forgot) :

We got our cap and gowns yesterday. Thankfully, mine fit... My little, and I do mean little, Jessica's, uh... didn't... But she's taken enough ribbing from me today... KKK came up a few times... ;) so I won't say anymore.

It was a 6'7" to 6'9" gown.. uh-oh lol :)

I got my first Netflix Glee Season 1 disc in the mail! I can't wait to actually have a few minutes to sit down and watch it!

Again, I am playing in the Senior vs. Junior Powderpuff Football game on Friday! I am kinda sad I couldn't go to practice tonight... I heard it was really fun. But hopefully Friday is just as fun!

I got a letter the other night from KSHSAA thinking OMG I got my StuCo camp JC letter! Not so. :/ It was still good news, just not the news I wanted. I was named a Govenor's Scholar and I'm going to go meet him in Topeka in a month. Cool beans (:

AND I got my roommate today!! Her name is Claire Ochieng and she is from Shawnee, Kansas. I am really excited to get to know her in the next few months; she seems really cool.

So everything seems to be falling into place for me to graduate (:
Bring. It. On.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just Surviving..

It has been a very unique three days. I'll just go back to Sunday and begin to explain...

After going to Debbie's wedding on Saturday, I knew I was going to have a busy Sunday. It started off at midnight while still working on my Ronald McDonald video (which I'll post after the pageant). I finally finished that around one-ish, but at the same time, I was talking to my friend Ben. He and I met at KAY camp on my first trip in 2009. We discovered that night that we had something in common.... we had loved ones in Germany. It was so wonderful to talk to someone whom I didn't have to say "You have no idea..." because he did have an idea. He knew. And I can't thank him enough for talking to me about something I believed I was fairly alone in... Thanks Ben. (:

So after that emotional talk (and it was very emotional), I went to get my prom dress altered. I was nervous because it hadn't fit well a few nights before, even with my going to the gym. Thankfully, it did fit when I tried it on there and all it needed was hemmed and adjusted. So that was better then I anticipated. However, we raced home to watch the KU game... which we shouldn't have. It was my second cry of the day... it was very difficult to watch and I did logic puzzles to distract myself... I felt so bad for my boys. But I still love them.

After the game, I started doing some homework and Erynn asked if I could take her to a friend's. I said sure, and as I was walking to my car, I started to take out my iPod so I could pick the Glee song we would listen to... and I dropped my iPod.

My iPod is like my child. Let's just say I cried and was very angry with myself. I'm going to get it fixed and pay my parents back for it too. If I had to, I would go out and buy an identical new one I love my iPod that much. I have been having trouble functioning in school without it... new policy mandates no electronics what-so-ever in a classroom. Just the hallways. It's. Stupid. However, we are allowed to use cell phones and iPods during passing periods and lunch, so you'll see kids walking down the hall talking on their phones... even me. (:

Later, after that anger, rage, and depression subsided a little, my mom and I started watching Army Wives. It's one of our favorite shows, and we knew this week's episode was going to be intense. Someone died. It was the most heart wrenching thing I've ever seen and I sat there, on my couch for 60 minutes, motionless, with tears just streaming down my face... it was that bad/good. Best episode I've ever seen, but it was also the saddest. It was just a day full of crying and upsetting circumstances... Oh and I had to go back to school the next day.

First day back... joy. No iPods, no sleep, no fun. However, I was (pretty) happy to be back and I liked seeing everyone again. It was just weird after a week away, however, very easy. That night, I went to college, had a(nother) easy class, found out I got a 100 on my speech, and left. I love college. I went tanning, came home, took a shower, and laid down thinking I had beaten the system: I was getting an early night. Go me. And then I reach for my iPod, which I use every night to go to sleep, and about started crying again. So, I decided to try and read a new book to help me sleep. Plan. Backfired. I read the ENTIRE 260 page book... I went to sleep at 1:30. Fortunately, it was a good book. A teen, cutesy, romance that made me smile. It was called Troy High and I loved it. However, I was balls out tired today...

School was, again, easy. Just difficult to get through. I feel like I don't enjoy and live at school anymore... I just survive to get through the day. I did get my graduation stuff today though; my cap and gown, announcements, and name cards. That made it a little better. Then I realized that I have a scholarship due in Topeka Friday that I had forgotten about... oh crap. So after running around everywhere trying to fix my error, I came home to write the essay. Mom and Erynn left for the mall and I ate and went to start my essay, after a while, I went to lie on the couch and watch the game with my Dad. I accidently fell asleep, missed Glee, and felt like crap. Mostly, because I missed Glee, but also because I was dead tired. I took a shower, and am now taking a break from writing this essay. Still incredibly tired, but I can sleep when I’m dead. I need that scholarship.

So here’s to having a better few days, and a great time in Lawrence

Wish me luck. (:


Friday, March 25, 2011

All Good Things Must End...

It's sort of sad... Spring Break is almost over...

Yes, I did say almost.

Don't get me wrong I love my breaks (so much!!), but I also know that with so little time lest at school, my schedule getting all messed up, and my lack of motivation.. it's time to go back. Plus, I only have to stick it out a week until I leave for Lawrence for two days! However, I will miss my afternoon naps... and my Netflix Army Wives marathons, and my Glee episodes and songs on my iPod that I can no longer use.. :(

Ok, maybe I do want to stay home...

BUT Mr. Wildcat is this Saturday, which is always something to look forward to! I made a request that the proceeds be donated to the Ronald McDonald House because of how close to that organization I am... and it was PASSED! (: I am so excited to be able to help this wonderful organization... I am also going back to work at one of the houses in April. My RMHC girls, Becky and Jennifer, will also be at the show on Saturday. I am stoked!

This year is also the 10th Mr. Wildcat and I have organized a reunion for the past winners to come back and see everyone and take a look at the last ten years. I'm hoping most of the winners can come. One already told me he can't but did give me the name of his best friend or "Power of Attorney." to represent him. Totally cracked me up.

Right after the show, I'll come straight home to get some sleep because we have to leave for KU super early to make it to the Honors Program Banquet. Then Monday is my Scholar's Day. And with basketball tearing Richmond a new one right now (and I do mean right now; score is 41-22 us ;) ), I am totally bleeding Red and Blue. (No, no roommate yet, but still happy!)

This break was pretty good; just gearing up for the next seven weeks. I didn't end up really doing anything, but I have been working out and tanning a lot, I did my college homework, watched a lot of TV, and slept quite a bit. Nicole came over last night and we watched the Sister Act (very funny) and started Death at a Funneral (fell asleep, but also funny.) This weekend it's looking like Deb's wedding tomorw, homework, scholarships, videos, and a little sleep on Sunday.

Welcome Back School.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ok, so before anyone says "What are you doing up?!" Well, my grandparents are leaving for Hawaii in the morning and I am going with my parents to the airport to pick up their car and ride home with my mom. The easiest solution in my mind was to, therefore, stay up all night.  I do NOT wake up well and I like being up at night.. And, it's Spring Break! It's peaceful and relaxing. Plus, I have found a new obsession...

I love Glee. That's really all there is to it. It's been on tv for about two years and I've never really given it much thought. Allyson explained it to me right after it came on; it sounded cool, but I didn't really have time. A month ago, I saw I Am Number Four with Dianna Agron and I saw that she was also in Glee. I read about a few of the episodes and was pretty blown away. I mean, I've been seeing previews for two years so I knew it was good.. but this was awesome. And I hadn't heard any of the singing yet.

The other night I saw a clip of an episode where the characters perform two of my favorite songs: Candles by Hey Mondey and Raise Your Glass by Pink (both on my list ;) ). They were both fantastic and I had to buy Raise Your Glass to even sleep. I just played it over and over because the male voices in this series are AMAZING. Tonight, I watched the full episode and was like a giddy frickin' teenager watching a chick flick.. and I am perfectly ok with that. (:

I have always had this thing with music, where I'll hear a song and picture a performence to it... band, marching band, cheerleaders, dancers, flags, choir, auditorium, gym, etc... and see myself in it. It kind of started with the song 4 Minutes by Madonna. I could see my band (even specific people!) playing and singing... well tonight, I saw something very similiar to my vision on Glee.. with my FAVORITE character, no less... of 4 Minutes and I about fainted. The vocals were to die for and the dancing and marching band were dead on to what I envisioned. Unfourtunatly, my favorite character is a cute, adoarble, gay guy... go figure. :/

But nevertheless, I bought the episode (and the one with Raise Your Glass in it) so I can watch them whenever I want. And to be honest, I never really thought I'd like Glee... It just kinda swept me away (:

Best Glee Songs I've Heard So Far:

*4 Minutes - Chris Colfer and Amber Riley
*Raise Your Glass - Darren Criss
*Silly Love Songs- Darren Criss and Chris Colfer
*Loser Like Me- Glee Cast (Original Song)
*Candles - Chris Colfer and Darren Criss
*PYT - Kevin McHale and Harry Shum Jr.
*Animal - Darren Criss and Chris Colfer
*Tik Tok- Glee Cast
...and of course...
*Don't Stop Believin' - Glee Cast

This list will get longer once I get ahold of our Netflix info and watch them on my computer. Good thing they are on hiatus until April!! (:

(PS. I am hoping my roommate at KU likes TV and Movies and Music... I know I do :) )


Saturday, March 19, 2011


Break is finally here!! And not a moment too soon... it has been a long and difficult week.

I guess I am stuck here in Mulvane for at least the majority of break. :/ Bummer. I'm trying to talk James into going to Kansas City for a day or so.. I'm not sure if I will win that fight. We'll see.

I will relent and say maybe it's a good thing I am staying home.. I have a huge to-do-list to accomplish!

*Send Mr. Wildcat Letters out
*College Homework
*High School Homework
*Cheer DVD
*Ronald McDonald DVD
*Begin Watergate Reesearch Project
*Type Spanish Notebook
*Email RMHC People
*Tan/ Workout everyday...

Tomorrow I have to take my car in for work, Sunday we are trying to go to Tulsa for the KU game (ROCK CHALK!! <3), Monday I am working for Jaima by going bowling and getting paid for it, and Tuesday I'd like to go to KC, Wednesday there is a concert I'd like to go to, and then the rest of the week is the list above.
Yeah maybe staying home isn't so bad...

Grades are in!!!!! (: I am very lucky to not have taken a midterm in ANY of my nine classes; college or high school. I had a few tests this week to kill the quarter, but nothing I freaked out about. I received a 97 on my Macbeth test and a 100 for my calc test. (: We watched the Magic School Bus in Physics (sorry, Justin), watched basketball in calc, and ate animal crackers in yearbook. What a great Friday!

College (:

High School (:
 Yeah that's what I'm talking about ;) (Click on pics to make larger.)
Also, I still didn't have a roommate as of 3 pm central standard time today, so I called the KU people and explained I really didn't want to live on the ninth floor, it was the only option given to me. So we did some switching and I am now moving into room 407 which I hand picked based on the numbers. I am a huge numbers person and really hope this is a good omen.

7= July, 7, lucky seven, seventeen, etc
4= four years of collge (hey, maybe less!)
11= grad year
And I'm sure there are many other random meanings I could make up, but I am definitely a 7 person. (:
I'm hoping this gets me a roommate faster (:

In other KU news, my Men's Basketball team won against Boston tonight!!!!!!! We are on our way to an awesome March Madness victory!!

Rock Chalk. <3

PS. Brandon, Katie, and family, please have a safe trip flying to and on your cruise. (I'm jealous but) Have fun!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lazy? No way!

Sheila, you will get a kick outta this!

So its been a rough couple of days emotionally... I haven't gotten much sleep and it seems like I have this HUGE to-do-list to worry about. And to top it all off... I still don't have a roommate... :(

But today seems to be the start of a happier me (: I had a really easy academic day, and learned it will be a super easy academic rest of the week, the weather hit a high of around 75 and was beeeeaautiful, I got a message from my favorite boy ever, annnd I went to the gym!

I figure with Prom and Graduation coming up, I need to start working out again since I am not playing soccer and have some spare time on my hands. But I'm really not a "Let's go to the gym!!!" kind of person. I am actually pretty lazy... I can think of other things I would rather be doing. Especially since I don't really have any buddy to chat with: Jess has track (and who wants to run again?!) and Katie has soccer (same) and Nicole works... I guess I better find me a new buddy!

Today I found my workout was fairly easy since I watched Two and a Half Men the whole time (: And I can txt and run, bike and elipitcal at the same time... go figure ;) So time went by pretty quickly... I guess I can do this everyday! ;)

Tomorrow is Saint Patrick's Day!! This may be a holiday I'm not old enough to really celebrate yet...but I cannot remember the last time I've gotten to go to school and celebrate it! We are always on break at this time. I live in Mulvane, Kansas. We all have enough green to clothe the United States Army... but what's going to be interesting is who doesn't wear green. (: I am definatly going to enjoy this.


Fun Fact: Those are my leggings...she never gave them back Sophomore year :P

KU Official (:

**UPDATE: I will be living in room 925 in McCollum Hall!! Turns out, they moved the Honors floors to buildings that were way outta the price range, so I just picked a regular room. It's a high room so I don't have a roommate yet, but I hope I get one soon! 

And more school news: even though grades aren't final, I received all A's and one B (Perkins English). It was an 89 and I worked my butt off for it, so I am fine with it. But since I recieved an A in Calculus, the B will disappear, so I still earned a 4.0. :D

Here are some KU pics (:

Lovvvvvvvvve this picture.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

McCollum Hall.. here I come =)

Today will be a very exciting day! I get to choose my dorm room in McCollum Hall!! at KU!! on Daisy Hill!! Can you feel my excitement?! :D

I chose McCollum because it has a couple floors of honor students, and I believe that will be the best environment for me. I wanted to live in Oliver Hall (the athletes dorm) which was by the gym and Allen Field House... but that's probably the area that would get me off track the most lol. I think I'll need people to push me and help me when I need it. Plus, Mrs. E's dining hall is next store, so I'll be ok. ;)

And to top it off, I only have about three weeks until I return to Lawrence! I have an Honor's Program Banquet Sunday, April 3rd, and a Scholar's Day April 4th. (: I seriously cannot wait. (:

I am seriously adjusting to this whole college thing really quickly now that I'm in my fourth quarter of my senior year... I thought they'd have to drag me out kicking and screaming... but maybe I won't be so resistant to change this time around... (: we'll see.

I'll post info as soon as I get it at three pm central standard time!
McCollum Hall :)

Me and Baby Jay in September!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What a Night!

First of all, I'm going to state how much I hate Daylight Savings Time... it's stupid! Yeah, I love getting an extra hour of sleep but come on...losing one? Not cool. Especially since last time my phone didn't switch over fast enough and I was technically home earlier then I had to be. :P

So I've never really been a fan of the tradition at all. The only perk I can see now is that the Dickey's are six hours ahead instead of seven (for now.) So I'm going to have to re-train myself... instead of adding seven in my head all the time, it's now six... again for now lol.

The reason I'm not thrilled with the loss of sleep is that I went to the drive in with Katie, Brandon, and James last night! I love the drive in (even though I've gone maybe three times now) and take every opportunity I can to go. It was beeeeeeautiful out yesterday and my phone's weather service said it was supposed to be nice that night, so I planned a quick party for the four of us and we went to see Just Go With It, Battle: LA, and The Green Hornet. And I know what most everyone is thinking.. "Taylor stayed up until 2/3 watching movies?!" Lol it can be done, Jessica and I have had some pretty late nights watching Dawson's Creek... but no I didn't make it through all the movies. (:

Just Go With It was very funny and I was awake the whole time. All four of us were crammed into the bed of Katie's truck and it actually did get pretty chilly out (my bad!). But it only led to good jokes and lots of laughs (:
Battle: Los Angeles was one I knew early on I was not going to be able to watch. I can't do movies where stuff is destroyed (2012, the Day After Tomorrow) and I really can't do military movies (especially with James next to me) so I decided it was a good time to take a nap. I laid under the blankets and went to sleep. (: It was warm and I could still hear it... which was enough for me.
The Green Hornet was the deciding movie between theaters. The boys were ecstatic to see this movie, so we stayed and watched (after we turned the truck around and moved inside). I made it half way through this movie; it was a Seth Rogan move. Come on. Yeah it was funny, but I eventually just curled up next to James and crashed. Katie fell asleep right at the beginning lol but I don't think we missed much. The boys (kudos to them!) made it through all three. (:

Between all the food, inappropriate jokes, and blankets... it was the best night I've had in a while. (: I am definitely doing that a lot over the summer. <3

Earlier in the day, our hot water tank started leaking again (I think that was the issue lol) so my mom and I went to my grandmas to shower and then we went to get my graduation dress! It has to be all white with no print or colors, so it' like hunting for a needle in a haystack...that's white. I picked one out online the other night from Dillard's and it turned out to be the one I got! I loved it and I will totally be wearing it all day on "the Big Day."

My grad dress! (:
Today is going to be full of college homework, yearbook, and cleaning.. yay. I actually have no school homework because I had a bunch of tests on Friday lol. It was the end of the quarter... Spring Break, here I come!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick update from Spanish =)

The doctors finally called about my blood work...all normal. I do go into the office again to draw more blood this afternoon for the big test... better drink some water lol
Cheer banquet is tonight! I can't wait! I love banquets because its always a good time with my girls. <3
And surprise! Katie and I signed up for powder puff football today!! Can you say guard?! ;) Its the day before Mr. Wildcat which is the day before I leave for Lawrence! So April is going to start out amazing!
Pics tomorw! <3

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Falling apart at Seventeen!

I'm seventeen. Young and ready to take on the world...

That is, if my body will let me.

I went to the doctors this afternoon to check on my ankle and my tendency to bruise. I can dance for hours and not feel any pain or anything when all of a sudden, I'll have monster bruises and bumps on my body later that I never felt. Or I can go to sleep at night fine and wake up with bruises... it's nuts. They think I'm anemic or I have a blood disorder like my dad... but what's funny is mind kind of seems like the exact opposite of his. I call it the Edward/Renesme syndrome. (Find a Twlighter to explain that or look it up ;) )

I have always bruised easily.. but this is baaaad. (See Winter HC post for similar battle wounds.)

I could still dance at least.. :/

The doctors drew four vials of blood and should let us know soon what they find. I have to go back in soon to have more taken for the test to find out if I have what my dad does. Good thing I have no issue (in fact, I enjoy) giving blood!
I got a pretty band-aid at least!
Some good news is my foot isn't broken or fractured. She agrees it could be a busted blood vessel or a sprain and says I should ice it for a while. Good thing I am done cheering and that I'm not playing soccer I guess... (:

The third quarter ends Friday and I am ready for it. I am not sure if I'll get all A's but I do know I definitely will for the semester... so I'm trying not to give myself a coronary over it and let the little things go. It's a struggle, but I'm working on it. I don't think anything less then 4 F's will take away my valedictorian spot lol. I have enough cushion from AP US History that I should be ok.

Also about school, I was voted my class's Most Likely to Succeed and Most Likely to Cure Cancer! I was thrilled!! Jordan Nooney and Evan Landes are who I won with for 'Succeed' and Chris Langstaff for 'Cancer.' I cannot wait to break out my scrubs again! (: I'll post the pictures this weekend after we take them on Friday.

Even though I'm no longer Cheering, I'm happy to say at least one Hanna will continue cheering! Erynn made JV Basketball last Saturday and I was thrilled for her! She will have a blast with Megan, Katie and all the girls. Shae is trying out for Middle School Cheer next week and I'm praying she gets it! I would've been so cool if all three of us had been cheering on three different squads at the same time! What a photo op. (: But I'm sure there will be plenty of pics of Erynn and I (and maybe Shae!) in our uniforms soon.

Go Erynn! (:

This week has been a roller coaster already. And with the cheer banquet on Friday, something going on Saturday, and homework on Sunday... I guess I'll have to wait for Spring Break for a break!

PS. Good luck to Mom with Jury Duty next week!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

To-Do-Lists.. (:

I am probably the queen of to-do-lists. This started all the way back in my freshmen year in Mr. Dierks's class when I had no will to listen to him talk. So all hour I'd make a list of things I needed to do that night and I'd check stuff off as I went. It got a lot bigger last year with pre-calc, AP US History, cheer, work and everything else (Spanish is when I chose to do it ;) ).

So today in Spanish when I finished my quiz, I found my post it notes and made my daily to-do-list. I have post its EVERYWHERE! I change them all the time and just stick them wherever I need them. I doodle, write notes, lyrics, lyrics in spanish, lists, whatever. In calculus, I use them to torment people, or write down funny things people said that day. I do that in all my classes actually...

Speaking of calculus, I discovered the other day I am the ONLY person in my class taking the AP exam...thanks guys. I'll probably have to retake or audit a calc 1 class next year in Lawrence, but Mrs. Milledge thinks I can well on the test and that I know more then I think I do...let's hope she's right.
In more school news, a few weeks ago I sent in my application to be a Junior Counselor at StuCo camp which I had a BLAST at this summer... and I'm getting anxious. My JC, Eric, said it takes some time...but I am NOT a patient person. Never have been. And since I didn't turn in my app for KAY camp (because I had no idea where I'd be this summer...) I only have one shot at being a counselor... and I reallllllllllllly want to go back. (:

Also about school, they pulled all the seniors today to have a meeting about graduation...guess which idiot raised her hand when they asked if we wanted graduation indoors... yeah that would be me. I do! I love the outdoors and all, but this is Kansas and I know better. Plus, when I'm speaking, I want people to hear me and see me... no wind, rain, blazing hot sun or distractions... BUT I also don't want to have a limited number of tickets... oh well there were only four of us who raised our hands.
I'm excellent at picking my battles now.
And this isn't one of them.

This is my typical TDL. And yes, I have to write down SHOWER and SLEEP and EAT or else I won't.
This is my Spanish book with lyrics written in Spanish on it... i find those purple Post Its EVERYWHERE.