I guess I am stuck here in Mulvane for at least the majority of break. :/ Bummer. I'm trying to talk James into going to Kansas City for a day or so.. I'm not sure if I will win that fight. We'll see.
I will relent and say maybe it's a good thing I am staying home.. I have a huge to-do-list to accomplish!
*Send Mr. Wildcat Letters out
*College Homework
*High School Homework
*Cheer DVD
*Ronald McDonald DVD
*Begin Watergate Reesearch Project
*Type Spanish Notebook
*Email RMHC People
*Tan/ Workout everyday...
Tomorrow I have to take my car in for work, Sunday we are trying to go to Tulsa for the KU game (ROCK CHALK!! <3), Monday I am working for Jaima by going bowling and getting paid for it, and Tuesday I'd like to go to KC, Wednesday there is a concert I'd like to go to, and then the rest of the week is the list above.
Yeah maybe staying home isn't so bad...
Grades are in!!!!! (: I am very lucky to not have taken a midterm in ANY of my nine classes; college or high school. I had a few tests this week to kill the quarter, but nothing I freaked out about. I received a 97 on my Macbeth test and a 100 for my calc test. (: We watched the Magic School Bus in Physics (sorry, Justin), watched basketball in calc, and ate animal crackers in yearbook. What a great Friday!
College (: |
High School (: |
Also, I still didn't have a roommate as of 3 pm central standard time today, so I called the KU people and explained I really didn't want to live on the ninth floor, it was the only option given to me. So we did some switching and I am now moving into room 407 which I hand picked based on the numbers. I am a huge numbers person and really hope this is a good omen.
7= July, 7, lucky seven, seventeen, etc
4= four years of collge (hey, maybe less!)
11= grad year
And I'm sure there are many other random meanings I could make up, but I am definitely a 7 person. (:
I'm hoping this gets me a roommate faster (:
In other KU news, my Men's Basketball team won against Boston tonight!!!!!!! We are on our way to an awesome March Madness victory!!
Rock Chalk. <3
PS. Brandon, Katie, and family, please have a safe trip flying to and on your cruise. (I'm jealous but) Have fun!
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