
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time Really Doesn't Stop...

It has been a BEAUTIFUL few days in Kansas. Aside from the few torrential thunderstorms and extreme April heat.. It's been amazing. We had class outside a lot on Friday and Jess and I walked around during lunch. Aside from what most native Kansans say, I love it here. I would live here my whole life and LOVE it (yeah, and I say that because its not winter haha). But usually the only people I can find that like it here are people who moved here from somewhere else (Except for Tyler and my mom lol).

I found out we are donating $2000 to the Ronald McDonald from Mr. Wildcat and Crush Bottle proceeds. I was thrillllllled :D Like I've said many times, I love this charity and if anyone ever gets a chance to donate to them or volunteer at a house, DO IT! They are so nice and fun to be around and it's a great place to volunteer. Last night, I baked for them to help get my five college hours. Yes, I love baking, but this was for a good cause. (: I volunteered at the Midtown House this morning for about 3 hours and guess what?! I got to drive up there BY MYSELF!!! It was such a rush. I wasn't nervous at all leaving my house (after I put my contacts in.. Stupid stye..) but when I was on K-15, I started getting nervous because I couldn't for the life of me picture the stinkin' canal route entrance. If I can picture something, I can practice it in my head (cheers and dances come easy to me this way). But I had a mini panic attack because of I couldn't picture it!! Once I saw it, however, I was fine and the whole trip was a breeze. I love the canal route now :) Just like driving on the turnpike, once I do it once, we are best friends forever. (:

Erynn and I baked 4 cakes (White, Strawberry, and two German Chocolate), frosted two of them, and baked 25 cookies (four are still in the oven here) in about 75 min.. go us!
After we baked we went out to eat with my grandparents at Olive Garden. As we are leaving, the sky looks like it's about to throw up on the world, so we stop at Barnes & Noble to wait it out (if you know me, you're going "Oh lord... B&N." You would be correct ;) ) Barnes & Noble is my favorite place on earth.. I could spend days in there. I usually find a book, and sit in the middle of the isle and read it. (: It's pretty humorous. As we are leaving, we run into heavy, heavy rain. Shoulda stayed longer :( Lol Derby didn't really get hit bad, but Mulvane got a nasty hail storm.

Erynn and I at dinner. She was fixing my hair. (:
Hail outside my house.
Today after I volunteered at the RMH, James and I went to Best Buy so he could get a new iPod... I almost cried. I cannot wait to get mine fixed. I have found so much music these past two weeks that it's almost killing me. You know what else is killing me? The fact that I'm supposed to be in Colorado right now. Skiing. I'm still mad.

Moving on, I'd like to thank my Denmark supporters who look at my blog all the time!! I'm grateful certain people in the United States are interested in what I have to say, let alone Denmark! I hope I stay interesting enough for all these people to look at my blog, lol!

At school for the past week, I have been taking my lunch to school. I love it. I don't know why I  have been eating crappy school food my whole life when I could have a PB&J or Pasta or Chicken Alfredo... It's been fabulous. I'll eat healthier my last six weeks of school, then I ever did the other 13 years! Which I cannot believe is ending in 41 days... some days that makes me want to run to the bathroom and throw up, and others it's the greatest thing on earth! It just depends on my mood... I remembered something Ms. Gowdy used to say at track practices in 8th grade the other day..

"You are racing against time. Not the girl who may have gotten an A on a test and is having a great day, or the girl whose boyfriend broke up with her earlier. You are racing against time. Time Won't Change. Time Won't Stop..."

I wish I had realized that she was right 4 years ago. Granted, I've had an amazing time throughout my high school years, I wouldn't change one thing, and I have no regrets... except wishing it would go by faster. Even on the days that couldn't end fast enough... I wish I would have not tried to speed things up too much... Time goes by fast enough on it's own without my hurrying it along.

Prom this weekend! Pics soon! (:


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