
Friday, February 25, 2011

Almost there... (:

What a week!

On Monday we had our girls day and I had a BLAST!! :) I have written blogs on my friends before that say how much I love them only because it's true. We always have such a good time when we get together. We went to the mall and shopped shopped shopped!! :) My favorite thing on earth! Then we went to Target to look for swimsuits. Then I had to go to college :/ But I got an A on my quiz and had a good time with my table so it was a successful day! Here are some awesome pics :)

Allyson and I trying on ugly prom dresses lol

We are all ready for Spring! Jess and I ended up getting our dresses.

We bought the same dress!! Lol

The girls (:

Jess and I after we got home (:

Jess took these next few! She did awesome lol

I colored them on Photoshop for added awesomeness :)

Good thing I can drive with all these distractions ;)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday were a cycle of school, more school, work, work, no sleep, headaches, and just plain ughs. Wednesday was beautiful. It was nice out and a fairly good day... Yesterday? Not so much. On our way to cheer at Buhler, the roads just got worse and worse so once we reached Mt. Hope, we had to turn around. We ended up eating out together for some team bonding when we got home. It was a good night with my (other) girls :)


Well this morning was rough. I could not focus for the life of me. It was awful. Mr. Heath, my physics teacher suggested I clean out everything to de-clutter my mind... I did. EVERYTHING. My lockers, backpack, notebooks, binders... It was nice getting rid of a bunch of crap and putting everything in its place.  Which is unusal for me, but hey... I'm an unusual person. (:
Next Saturday is cheer tryouts for the underclassmen...
There is two more weeks until the end of the third nine weeks...
Three weeks until Spring Break...
52 more school days until graduation :) I am almost there...


Sunday, February 20, 2011

It Does Exist!!

Lol Ty, this one's for you. (:

So, I was commanded to clean my room today. To be honest, I wanted to clean it. It was a disaster! And that is saying a lot coming from me. I do not really care about my room being clean; I am a disorganized, organized person and can still function perfectly... but this had gone too far..

This was my floor... my closet had run out of room and so all clothes (dirty or clean) ended up on the floor... and yes, that is my hamper. 

My desk. It gets cluttered when I have a ton going on. (Yes, that is a feather boa. YESSS those are more clothes.)

My closet and bed... thankfully I didn't sleep here last night.. I might have died.
I honestly do function well when everything is a mess. I am just a messy person. The chaos and clutteredness fit my thought type and brain function. I am always thinking about 400,000,000 things at once and going going going... so that's just how my room ends up. I don't mind.

Mom does.

So I started cleaning at 4:40 pm Central Standard time ;) and after dinner, Skype, and dancing-around-my-room-to-Lady-Gaga breaks, I finally finished at 1 am Central Standard time (however, I wish it had been another time zone :P) .

8 hours!!!! I took around 8 hours to completely clean this place up. I went through my clothes and got rid of a bunch, shoes as well. I went through everything!... and saved myself some time this August :) But, I still have no clue how I'm only supposed to take one eighth, if that, of my stuff with me! What about all my clothes? If they could pay tuition, they'd be my roommate.

As I was cleaning my room and taking pictures, I realized how personalized and fitting my room is to me. Anyone could walk into this room and say "Oh, yeah, that's Taylor's Room." And they could tell you exactly who my friends are, who I'm dating, what my team(s) is/are, what I do at school, where I am going to college (that better be a no-brainer; I have a wall dedicated to it), what my favorite color is (ok maybe not), and when my psych homework is due (I leave myself post-it notes everywhere).

With that being said, here is my CLEAN room.. :)
My closet (: (yes, I do have that many pairs of shoes; I'm a chick!)

Does this not just scream "Taylor's Room!!!"? I think it does..

My clean, made bed.. All ready for me to pass out in.

Proof my floor exists :)

I give it four days, max ;)


Friday, February 18, 2011

A [Long] Short Week...

First we had a record number of snow days.
Then we had a record high temperature.

Thank you Kansas (:

Last Friday was Senior Night!!! It was a good last home game (ever)! The girls won, the boys lost. Typical.
But it was a fun game to cheer for and the cheerleaders had a lot of fun. Afterwards, I went to McDonald's with James and Jessica for food. We also had a great chat about life, kids at school, and our futures. It was a good time.. (: I love those two very much and don't know what I'm gonna do without them next year.

Here's a pic: (More on the way!)

Last weekend went by way too quickly.. Thankfully I had a four day week to look forward to! Starting off with Valentine's Day... definitely not my favorite holiday ever.. but I did get a wonderful package in the mail.. (: AND my bestest friend Jessica got me a bear/dog! We exchanged gifts and cards Sunday night so we could carry them around on Monday and show them off and say "My best friend got this for me."
I just named it Bear/Dog.

I wuv my Jessica (:
Monday also was the start of my Online Psych Class... I'm kinda looking forward to it. I have 10 days to do a chapter and the professor is super nice. She even lets us call her Emily. I did some of the homework this week, but I'll usually pretend I have class Saturday's and Sundays and do my work then.

Tuesday brought an away game in El Dorado... ugh. It was a very long night. I came straight home and went to bed. No physics homework, no shower.. bed. Thank goodness the next day was Wednesday.. late start. I got through the day with numerous temperature checks and yearbook stresses. We had to send in 32 more pages because Mrs. Gandolf was leaving for Aspen. I was at the school until 6 pm. Yeah and some of the pages were still not done. I'm working on them now as we speak. STRESSSSSSFUL.

After school I was expecting to work that night, but it turned out I didn't have to. So I rested and got prepared for Thursday because even though I was feeling AWFUL, I didn't want to wimp out and not go to school. So, I toughed it out. I (unfortunately) had to go to the dentist afterwards, so I didn't really enjoy my early start to the weekend. I was shot up at 4 and it didn't wear off until 9. I laid on the couch, watched Iron Man, and slept. Woo-Hoo.

But today was much more enjoyable. I slept in, took a long shower, then met my friends for lunch at Talliano's for Katie's 18th birthday party. After we saw I am Number Four which I LOOOOVED! And I discovered it's based off a book. Which means when we have our girl's day on Monday, we will be stopping by Barnes and Noble to get me yet another book (I bought four at the book fair last week, and I'm done with one, which is also a series, so I gotta buy those too! Maybe, I should buy a Nook...)

Anyways, tonight we are all at Katie's spending the night! I'm excited for this four day weekend, followed by another four day week!! (: More pics and stories soon!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who da Thunk it...

Five Snow Days.
That's an entire week of school! And since I am graduating.. It doesn't matter! We can't make it up. Haha oh the irony...

But I do miss being in school. I love seeing everyone when I know we have such limited time together. Plus, I hate the cold and that stupid groundhog said we were supposed to get an early spring. So I am hoping that this is a last "kiss my butt" message from winter, and spring comes early. It's already been a long winter...
I will give the cold this, however.. It was very pretty outside yesterday. It was straight snow and it was fluttering around and blowing everywhere and it looked just like a postcard. Then my hands got cold and I decided it wasn't very pretty anymore...

Speaking of missing school, I get to take a day off again in April :)

I am returning to Lawrence!!

I was invited to attend a scholar's day on April 4th and after I got clearance from my Cowley Professor, we signed up first thing! Later that day, I received a text from my mom saying we would be staying at the Oread! That really, really awesome hotel on campus! Since it is a non-game day, it was relatively easy my mom said.

So the schedule goes like this:
Friday April 1st- finish up everything here in Mulvane.
Saturday April 2nd- Mr. Wildcat!!
Sunday April 3rd- Leave for the best city on earth. (:
Monday- Scholars Day.

The Oread :) It's sooo pretty!

View of my future home... I'm stoked :)
I really am excited to return to Lawrence. It will give me something to look forward to and the recharging I am sure I will need 7 weeks before I graduate. (Grad-Day, T-minus 101 days!!)

Even though I am super stoked about college (and yeah, scared, nervous, terrified...), I still know I will do fine. It will take adjusting. Like everything else in life. But some people aren't so sure. My buddy, Chris, was accepted into West Point this week and I am really proud of him. We act like we hate each other 90% of the time, but the other ten we get along fine. So congrats, kid. You are going to make a great army officer.

We switched uniforms on Switch Day. Sure wish the Army could see this one ;)
So with Valentine's Day coming up, I was less then excited to celebrate it. I could have just pretended it wasn't happening and forgotten. But to make it all better, Jessica and I are going to do something together hopefully. I even promised to get her a pillow pet and she said she'd get me a teddy bear. (: I have a great best friend.

So with that, I am going to be productive today on my day off... maybe :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The World's Gone Crazy...

A fourth snow day. It must be some kind of record. I have never in all my years of living in Mulvane (12 this past month) been given four snow days... I don't think.. ;)

I spent yesterday as I am sure many of my classmates did... Doing nothing. In my defense, I was in the middle of doing my homework when I got the call... I just stopped when I found out I had another day to do it lol. This will give me, basically, a two day week. I was present, but not all there half of Monday, and with these two snow days... I think this is Europe's big snow storm coming around to bite us in the butt. Thanks Dickey Family :P

So last night, I had something I had to tell my BFFs. So in a matter of maybe a little over an hour, I called three people to tell the same story over and over again. But I really found out that I have the best friends ever :) It was a great night to catch up and have them help me with something and remember why we are friends in the first place. (: thanks guys <3 and we were still able to laugh about it in the process. I can see why I was given all of these responsibilities and tasks now... You guys get to help me. <3

Speaking of my buddies, we only have 108 total days until graduation... Again mixed feelings. Jessica will leave for Cowley or Emporia, Nicole to Butler or Cowley, Katie to Pratt or K-State, James to boot camp, and myself to KU...I'm definitely not ready to go our separate ways... but I have been given the skills I need to deal with separation and I love to travel (and Skype!!) so I don't see any major problems with staying close to my friends. :)

Jessica <3

Nicole <3

James <3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Snow Day!

Unbelievable. Mulvane called another snow day. Man, my senior year is going to be awfully short if this keeps up. I plan on using this day productively and finishing up and homework bits I've neglected lately. I also plan on using today to recharge and go back to school tomorrow actually READY to go back. Yesterday the conference ended at 11 something and we were back by 12:30. Yeah, that sucked. So, I spent the last half of the day in my calculus teacher's room doing work and catching up. (FYI: that's two and a half hours of calculus... yeah. Migraine medicine was needed.) Then I went to my Public Speaking class... for two hours and forty five minutes. Ok, it may seem like I enjoy sitting in one spot for multiple hours... but I really don't. I like moving around and seeing people. Many people texted me last night asking why I didn't come back from the conference and if I was ok. I laughed and said i came back, I just didn't leave one classroom. It's kind of pathetic how little I get to enjoy my senior year. There are a few little things though...
*Mrs. Becker (the middle school principal) is beginning a plan of attack to form a middle school KAY under my direction. I'm soooooo excited :) This is something I've been working for since I came back from camp this summer. It could really be good for some middle school girls.
*Spring break is coming up... Jess and I want to take a trip to San Antonio or something just to get out of here for a while. Since Germany is out, we figure somewhere warm is next best :) With a lot of shopping..
*I had a little spare time this weekend to scan in some old pictures. It was so funny with my mom and hearing the explanations of exactly what I was wearing and where she got it.. but she had no idea when it was. lol here are a few pics.
If you look closely, I have on Baby Bop slippers :)

He went with me everywhere :)

A hat and sunglasses... always had them both :)

See? ;)

I was cool as a little kid

You can see my birthmark way better when I was little.

My favorite person to get hats from :)

We got along really well then lol

I think we both just look super cute in this picture.
Well its rumored we'll get another snow day tomorw so we'll see :) I still have to do my homework today just in case... oh well. I got plenty of sleep for a while lol...