
Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Time for a Break...

So with school, cheer, Ty and his family leaving, KAY, StuCo, NHS, and the task of producing an entire yearbook... I'm tired. lol SUPER tired.

I am so ready for Thanksgiving Break, its not even funny. Two more days of school followed by I believe 13 more... and half of my senior year is over. Then Christmas.


But I am enjoying it! I got my Christmas Dance dress today, I went to the musical last night with Jessica, girl's night on Tuesday, and I have already seen Harry Potter twice. I am doing alright. :)

Butttt...  I don't think I have ever been so tired. I slept for 13 hours last night and I will probably sleep for a good few tonight.

So with that being said, everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Football Ending, Basketball Beginning :D

So we lost to Topeka- Hayden last Saturday... but we are still Bi-District Champs!

Which means basketball starts soon!!!

We had competition on Wednesday and took home 6 trophies!! One for Routine Excellence, Cheer Technique, Overall Performence, Stunts, and Spirit and a big one for an Overall 1 Rating!!! We did quite awesome if I do say so myself. :D

Here's some pics!

Two of my favorite people ever :)

Seniooooooors! '11

The Favorite Freshmen!

Miss Brett :)

The remaining favorite Freshmen :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

University of Kansas Bouuunddd :)

Guess What!

I was accepted to the KU Honors Program this week!!

What that means is that I will have a personal advisor, higher class options, a faster graduation time, and a really high honor.

For more info, can probably tell you more then I can.

:)  Now all thats left is to find out how much scholarship money I get in January!

Wish me luck :)


Some shot I took this summer when I visited Lawerence

Erynn and I on my senior day this past September

Me with Baby Jay!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Summmmmer :D

So, almost anyone who knows me knows I LOVE computers! I can spend days making something, editing this, photoshopping that...

And I make movies :)

Every School Year and Summer since my freshmen year-ish have one. And I finally just uploaded my summer one. I'll post my other ones on here somewhere. :)

These are all also on facebook.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Senior Night!

Hey Everyone! So I stole the idea to start a blog from Ty's Mom and I want to use it to keep in touch with everyone when I leave for college. And i love it! It's like Facebook only I get to tell stories!

So Friday night was Senior Night at the football game! They recognized all of the fall senior athletes and band members before the game and the cheerleaders wore their senior jerseys on the track. It still hasn't sunk in yet. "Senior" still doesn't feel like my adjective yet. Part of the reason Senior night still hasn't hit me, and really didn't hit me that night either, is because we could probably have another home game. We won against Wellington! And we're "supposed" to have two piece-of-cake games in the next two it looks like a play-off game or two for Mulvane! :)

So, hopefully, I receive my honors acceptance letter from KU soon! Even after applying, getting accepted, visiting, and signing my housing contract...I still can't believe I am going to attend KU next fall... and possibly be an honors student! I cannnnnnnooooooooot wait!

So my MOVIE RECOMMENDATION for the week is: The Back-Up Plan, starring Jennifer Lopez. It's very funny and my mom and I got a kick out of it. It's a cute romantic comedy with the funny blonde from Fired Up making awesome one-liners.

Here are some pics from Senior Night! More to come soon :)

<3 Taylor

Don't we look spiffy :D

These are stills I took from a video from my Grandparents :)